Emanuela Biancuzzi


The Funtastic United Nations have been established in 2001 by Piermario Ciani, Emanuela Biancuzzi and Vittore Baroni to create a bridge between the most different creative geographical entities and to stimulate cooperation amongst imaginary countries and worlds.

A prerogative of F.U.N. is to interact – in a horizontal networking structure – with local and distant situations, real and imaginary, to create unexpected interferences between art and daily life: postal actions, philatelic emissions, unreal and ironical exhibitions, meetings, workshops, literary events, banknotes, selfportraits, intergalactic conventions, holy images and divinities.

F.U.N. has organized exhibitions, events and multimedia festivals with the participation of some of the most innovative artists, illustrators, comics authors, performers, musicians and writers of all the continents above and below the sea level (… Massimo Giacon, Mauro Chiarotto, Carlo Branzaglia, Marcel Ruijters, Piermario Ciani, Vittore Baroni, Emanuela Biancuzzi, Guido Scarabottolo, Pasquale Squaz Todisco, Manuele Fior, Stefano Zattera, Helmut King, Walter Bortolossi, Allegra Corbo, Pablo Echaurren,  Ferruccio Giromini,  Sergio Cascavilla, Sanantonio42, I Santini Del Prete, Gianluca Lerici, David Vecchiato, Alessandro Staffa…).

In 2002 F.U.N. inaugurated at the presence of local, international and interplanetary authorities the Topolò Post Office, the first and only reference office for the inhabitants of imaginary worlds.

The office, notwithstanding the prolonged absence of the Director, continues its funtastic and intergalactic mission thanks to the Chief Vice-director Biancuzzi, in charge since July 2006.

For a list of the FUN / AAA publications still available, write to: vittorebaroni@libero.it

Logo FUN

Designed by Piermario Ciani

Philatelic F.U.N.

AAA Edizioni
Bertiolo Italy

Bank of F.U.N.

AAA Edizioni
Bertiolo Italy

When the Saints

AAA Edizioni
Bertiolo Italy
2004 – 2005