Emanuela Biancuzzi

Chi l’ha visto

Event dedicated to Piermario Ciani on the occasion of his 60th birthday. A multi-faceted itinerary and an original birthday party to highlight the different sides of Ciani’s personality and the most characteristic aspects of his vision of art.

Ideation and project: Emanuela Biancuzzi.
Organization: E. Biancuzzi, R. Pez, G. Cecotti.
with the invaluable support of PIC.
Progetto Integrato Cultura del Medio Friuli;
Federico Rossi – Associazione Culturale Colonos;
Radio Onde Furlane;
Radio Spazio 103;
Comune di Bertiolo.
Ph. Courtesy © Luca D’Agostino
© Elia Falaschi / Phocus Agency.

Contributions: Francesca Agostinelli, AlePop, MojraB, Vittore Baroni, SuperMario Battisttuta, Angelo Bertani, Emanuela Biancuzzi, Michele Bonotto, Walter Bortolossi, Andrea Bruno, Massimo Caccia, Sergio Cascavilla, Mauro Chiarotto, Allegra Corbo, Alberto Corradi, Gianluca Costantini, Walter Criscuoli, Daniel Cuello, Luca D’Agostino, Cristina Del Fabbro, Antonio Della Marina, Celeste Galanda, Gum Design, Roberto Duse, Pablo Echaurren, Carlo Facchin, Elia Falaschi, Monica Faccio, Dorino Minigutti, Alessandra Ghiraldelli, Aldo Ghirardello, Massimo Giacon, ©CianographicSisters, Ferruccio Giromini, Silvia Giusti, Helmut King, Marco Marangone, Marotta & Russo, Giancarlo Martina, Moreno Miorelli, Paola Moreale, Rosanna Murello, Miriam Nonino, Ramon Pez, Silvia Pignat, Mauro Pistocco, Erika Pittis, Anna Pontel, Nancy Rossit, Federico Rossi, Carlo Rossolini, Guido Bau Scarabottolo, Andrea Scodellaro, Giulia Spanghero, Luisa Sparavier, Giacomo Spazio, Fulvia Spizzo, Squaz, Davide Toffolo, Karen Valluni, Giancarlo Venuto, Magic Cristian Virgili, Roberto Vidali, Peppe Voltarelli, Debora Vrizzi, Rosella Zentilin, Alessandro Zorzi.


Design: Ramon Pez

Adesivi Invasivi / Eversivi
Stickerman Postumo Project

by Ramon Pez and
Emanuela Biancuzzi
Design: Ramon Pez

Stickerman Postumo Project

by Ramon Pez and
Emanuela Biancuzzi
Design: Ramon Pez

Opening night

18 June 2011

From TRAX to F.U.N:
26 anni in tandem

Ferruccio Giromini
theorist of visual communication,
talks with Vittore Baroni

18 June 2011

Vittore Baroni, since 1980 historical collaborator of Piermario, traces with memories and anecdotes a quarter of a century of editorial and artistic projects in common, showing known and unpublished images, photographs, xerographs, letters, postcards, stamps, design studies, archival curiosities. From the modular productions of TRAX to the books of AAA editions, from the fanzine 50% to the aborted magazine ArtSurdo, from the exploits of Stickerman and Luther Blissett to the fantastic worlds of F.U.N.


Francesca Agostinelli presented
Q.B. video production

18 June 2011

Peppe Voltarelli Show

18 June 2011

Multifaceted and versatile artist with forays into cinema and theatre, founder and former leader of the musical group Parto delle Nuvole Pesanti with which he recorded seven albums. Solo singer since 2006, with the album Ultima notte a Mala Strana Voltarelli won the Tenco prize for best album in dialect. At the time of the foundation of Emir – Ente Musicisti Italiani Rilassati – independent voice of authors and cultural agitators, Voltarelli published the book Ciani. Un’epopea banditesca nell’era mediatica in which surreal, tireless and numerous Ciani-emissions are inserted, collected in the smooth space of the ether in the form of lapidary statements. While the surreal and biting stories starring the elusive Ciani were spreading online, Voltarelli’s ethno-rock Calabrian/Bolognese band produced a fantastic CD drawing on traditional songs, Jimi Hendrix and Negresses Vertes. Among the many songs on the album there is one that shines in particular, strangely dedicated to Ciani… P. Voltarelli – Ciani. Un’epopea banditesca nell’era mediatica – Emir Edizioni, Bologna 2002 – Il parto delle nuvole pesanti – Sulle ali della Mosca – Lilium / Sony, Milan 2000

Pierma Mostra Mario

An exhibition with
unedited, personal and
unavailable works about
Ciani thanks to the
contribution of artists
and friends.

18 June 2011

Dj set Mojra B

18 June 2011

Chi li ha visti?

Intro Vittore Baroni
and Ferruccio Giromini
Enoteca di Bertiolo
In the interior spaces
video projection of
Piermario Ciani.
Oltre la fotografia
by Walter Criscuoli © 2007
Zia Beppina 4Fun
by D. Minigutti and
E. Biancuzzi © 2007

19 June 2011

Chi li ha visti?

Exhibition of young artists
Enoteca di Bertiolo

19 June 2011